Members are hereby informed that the FAMPO Elections into the 4 (Four) Executive Committee (ExCom) positions:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary-General
  • Treasurer

will follow the guidelines below with the timelines as stated :

1. The election will be in an electronic way: by emails.

2. All the applications will be assessed by the Nominating Committee (NC) before circulating to all FAMPO
members for elections.

3. The approved applications will be announced to the applicants.

4. 2 (Two) members from the NC will be appointed to receive the votes from members by emails.

5. The 2 members will forward the results to the NC.

6. The President of the NC will announce the final results of the four positions to FAMPO members and to

7. After the acceptance by the Four new ExCom members, the new ExCom will be in position to lead

Applications are hereby solicited from interested members in “good financial standing” till April 15, call for applications and receipt of the applications to be sent to this address:

  • April 16 to May 7: Evaluation of the applications by the NC
  • May 8 to May 31: Announcement of the approved applications to concerned applicants and Election
    Campaign from candidates to FAMPO members
  • June 1 to June 18: Elections by emails to the 2 appointed NC members (not yet done)
  • June 19 to June 25: Despoliation/Counting of the votes and Announcement of the results to the NC
  • June 26 to July 2: Approval of the results by the NC (and dealing with any complaints or fall-outs
    from the elections) and Announcement of the final results to FAMPO members
    and IOMP ExCom.