The 2018 Conference of the Nigerian Association of Medical Physicists (CWNAMP 2018) will hold between 20th to 22nd November 2018 with the theme “Medical Physics for Patients’ Benefits“.  The Conference is the annual forum dedicated to commemorating the International Day of Medical Physics in Nigeria, bringing together thought leaders from a broad range of disciplines and fields of Medical Physics. It provides Clinicians, Academicians, Researchers, Students and Sponsors with state-of-the-art knowledge, strategies, and connections. NAMP scholars, scientists engaged in team-based research, institutional leaders who promote collaborative research, policymakers, and federal agency representatives will be in attendance.


i) Submission of Abstracts: October 1, 2018
ii) Acceptance Notification: October 30, 2018
iii) Full paper submission for possible publication in the African Journal of Medical Physics: November 15, 2018
iv) Conference date: November 20 – 22, 2018

All enquires, abstracts and full paper should be sent to


Authors must submit an original contribution in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling.

There are two categories for submissions:

(i) Full paper contributions:

Full papers should contain 10-12 pages in its final version accordingly. Extraordinarily, other two additional pages could be considered with a supplementary fee.

Templates for full papers will soon be  provided but similar to the Nigeria Journal of Technological Research (NJTR) and shall be named the African Journal of Medical Physics (AJMP). Please, read carefully guidelines and instructions for authors. Authors must strictly follow the provided format to submit their contributions.

All accepted full papers will be published in a special issue of the African Journal of Medical Physics (AJMP). The registration, before the deadline, is mandatory for the publication in the conference book of abstract.

(ii) Abstract contributions

Abstract submissions are also accepted. Abstracts must be submitted directly to the Chairman, Conference Scientific Committee at ( All abstracts must be in the following format:

  • Title
  • Authors and their Institutional Addresses
  • Aim (Objective)
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results  and Data Analysis
  • Discussion and Conclusion.
  • Accepted contributions

After review process, all the accepted contributions, according to the suggestions of the reviewers, will be classified as: full paper (10-12 pages), abstract and/or short paper (maximum 8 pages, published in the conference book of abstract}

Authors whose contributions have been accepted as full paper, will receive an email indicating the status of FULL PAPER acceptance and the instructions so that they can send the necessary information of the CAMERA READY (both paper and copyright form).

All accepted contributions, with the information/evaluation of the chairman of the session in conjunction with the reviewer’s comments and the summary of reviews, will be taken into account for selecting the very high quality contributions for the proposed African Journal of Medical Physics (AJMP) Special Issue