Our Annual Conference is just few days away. The highlight of exciting and attractive events at the NAMP Conference Lagos 2019 are, among others,
(1) Highly educative, challenging and most recent quality Scientific Sessions.
(2) Workshop on QA and QC on Diagnosis and Therapy facilities by the invited Guest, the CEO of the Company Standard Imaging, from France.
(3) Lecture and Interactive Session from the only known Nigerian Internationally certified Medical Physicist invited from Saudi Arabia. If you are serious about your training and International Certification, you cannot afford to miss this rare and peculiar package offered at this Conference.
Our friend and motivator, Prof. Wilfred Ngwa from Harvard University will be coming to challenge is once again.
What to do?
(1) Send in immediately your valuable and rich Papers, Posters and Abstracts for presentation at the Conference.
(2) Register for the Conference now, through the NAMP website
(3) Begin to plan your trips.
I pray for safe travels to and fro and for a fruitful time of professional fellowship Nov. 13-15 DV.