It is with great delight that I convey this note of acceptance on behalf of the newly elected Executive Committee of our beloved Federation, FAMPO. It is heartwarming to note the tremendous outpour of support to this newly elected team by members of our Federation and our mother Association, the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP). While this clearly manifests an immense confidence reposed in us individually and as a team, it also challenges us to raise the bar several steps higher and to project FAMPO to levels beyond expectation. With all the opportunities and challenges that come with our acceptance to serve for the next three years,we believe that this journey will not be a smooth one if we are to walk it alone.
Let me take this opportunity to acknowledge and tremendously thank the previous leadership of FAMPO, led by Dr. Ahmed Ibn Seddik, for steering the Federation in its teething phase till now. Starting any new organization and nurturing it through the formative years is always an arduous task but the previous administration was able to make several positive strides which needs to be built upon. Many ground-breaking initiatives were undertaken and this present Executive Committee would wish to build on the gains made and take such projects to the next level. Indeed, the growth in the Medical Physics fraternity in the Africa region over the years is a big inspiration and a challenge for us to do better, going forward. I am highly optimistic that this new team which has been elected will succeed no matter how big our ambitions are.
To the entire Medical Physics fraternity in Africa, we invite all to contribute their quota to enable us collectively raise our noble profession to its rightfully deserved place in the comity of professions. We cannot make this journey alone as leaders, it is through the support, encouragement and constructive criticisms from the entire membership of our Federation that we shall have something to do together and build together. As our Constitution stipulates, we shall judiciously work to ensure that our regionally-based programmes tie into the activities and policies of the IOMP, so that in unison we shall together promote the application of physics in medicine worldwide.
On behalf of the new FAMPO Executive Committee, I pledge our resolve to do our level best to take our Regional Federation to the next level of its destined pedestal in the world community of Medical Physics. We count on the support and encouragement of all relevant stakeholders.
Long live FAMPO, Long live IOMP.
Thank you,
Dr. Taofeeq Abdallah IGE